
The topic of the event is computational law and blockchain, with a focus on blockchain.

The definition of computational law is somewhat fluid. Wikipedia states it as follows: Computational law is a branch of legal informatics concerned with the mechanization of legal reasoning (whether done by humans or by computers)”. It emphasizes explicit behavioral constraints and eschews implicit rules of conduct. Importantly, there is a commitment to a level of rigor in specifying laws that is sufficient to support entirely mechanical processing.

Blockchain is more fixed, but still is sometimes confused (due to the overlap) with distributed ledger and virtual currencies like bitcoin. Here is a video in which it is explain in 5 stages, starting with “explain it to me like I am a 5 year old”:

Event type: keynotes with discussion

The event will mainly use the mechanic of a speaker presenting a keynote and then allowing for questions and discussion.

Of course this event is also a nice way to get to know some of the people active in the field, perhaps even “kindred souls”.

Unfortunately this year there is no hack-challenge (hands-on tackling a blockchain related issue that is practically relevant for the issuer of such challenge). This may be something to think about for next year.

When, what, where?

The event is scheduled for Saturday 16 March 2019 in the afternoon (arrival at 13h00, keynotes of about 45 minutes as from 13h30). With the current line-up of speakers it is likely to go on to about 18h00. This is the plan

13h30 – 14h15 Gerrie Smits – Introduction
14h15 – 15h00 Koen Vingerhoets – From 7331 to legal: a selection of blockchain discussion topics
15h00 – 15h45 Willem Van de Wiele – Legal aspects (TBC)
15h45 – 16h00 (pauze / buffer)
16h00 – 16h45 Axel Beelen – Blockchain and data protection
16h45 – 17h30 Niels Vandezande – Virtual currencies – a viable transfer of value?
17h30 – 18h00 Hendrik Putman – Taxation of virtual currencies

The event will be held in Brussels, in the site of St@rtIT. The address is Havenlaan 8 Av. du Port 8, 1080 Brussels. That is at walking distance of the metro station Yser, in the North East side of Brussels.


We are lucky to already have the following speakers (see below on how to contact us if you also want to briefly speak):

Gerrie Smits

Speaker and coach for digital transformation

Author of the book “Blockchain is WTF” (waarschijnlijk toch fundamenteel)

Twitter: @gerriesmits     

Slideshare: GerrieSmits

Koen Vingerhoets

Blockchain advisor with Belfius

Twitter: @IthronKoen     

Slideshare: KoenVingerhoets

Willem Van de Wiele

Attorney with White and Case

Twitter: @WVandewieleW

Axel Beelen

Expert in blockchain, data protection and intellectual property

Twitter: @IPnewsbe

Niels Vandezande

Attorney with Time.Lex

Author of “Virtual currencies: a legal framework”

Research fellow at CiTiP (KULeuven)

Twitter : @NielsVandezande

Hendrik Putman

Attorney with Mythra

Bitcoin taxation decision tree

Twitter: @HendrikPutman


What can you do?

We are always looking for

  • additional speakers (sharing their academic or practical experience)
  • some volunteers to help on the day itself prepping speakers, guiding groups,…

So if you can help with that, please, contact us via the contact form or via email.

But even if it would only interest you to come listen to the speakers and participate in the discussions, it would be good that you already RSVP, so we can show other interested parties that it is worth their while to join in as well.

And of course, you can spread the word.


You can RSVP via meetup:

Computational Law & Blockchain Festival: Brussels Edition

Saturday, Mar 16, 2019, 9:00 AM

Brussels, BE

21 Legal Hackers Attending

Brussels is joining the second annual Computational Law & Blockchain Festival! It’s a decentralized festival of events taking place in March throughout the world on the mechanization of legal reasoning and on blockchain. #clbfest2019 Globally there are 3 different tracks: [1] Learn: New to computational law or blockchain technology? This is your ch…

Check out this Meetup →

If you want to have an easy overview of events by the Brussels Legal Hackers, and by others but relevant for the Brussels Legal Hackers : check our calendar.

Global context

This events is part of the larger organisation of events on computational law and blockchain around the world by different legal hacker chapters / nodes throughout March 2019.


(Update 2 March 2019: addition of the speaker on taxation)

(Update 8 March: addition of the timing of the lineup)