Where, when ?

The event is scheduled for Thursday 21 February 2019.

The event will be held at the VUB in Brussels (near metro station “Petillion” and tram stop “VUB”).

Topic: data subject rights

Data Subject Rights are a given in the data protection legislation (mainly Chapter III, but also part of Chapter VIII of the GDPR; rights under the Patients Rights legislation, etc.).

Data controllers have to organise themselves so they can appropriately respond to a data subject’s request, they have to inform the data subjects of their rights (art. 13-14 GDPR), go for processes and technology that respects and embeds those rights (art. 25 GDPR, maybe set up arrangements with data processors on how those should support the data controller in case of such requests (art. 28 §3 GDPR), etc.

Event type: workshop

At this event the speakers will start from empirical findings on some of the data subject rights. The basis are two studies: on the “right to access” and one on the right to explanation of fully automated decisions. From there the idea is to have an interdisciplinary workshop to discuss the feasibility of existing solutions, and – why not? – laying the groundwork for further innovative approaches.

Of course we would like to see input and participation from the legal hackers attending this event.


We are lucky to have the following speakers / lead participants:

Jef Ausloos

Jef Ausloos is a research fellow for CiTiP (KULeuven). That is also where you can find links to his publications. He recently became a “doctor in law” with a PhD thesis on “the right to be forgotten“. After that he has also picked up a position as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam, within the team looking at personalised communication.

You can follow him on twitter by the handle: jausl00s.

Pierre Dewitte

Pierre Dewitte is a researcher at the CiTiP (KULeuven). That is also where you can find links to his publications, which focus on data protection.

You can follow him on twitter by the handle: PiDewitte.

Laurens Naudts

Laurens Naudts is a doctoral researcher at CiTiP (KULeuven). That is also where you can find links to his publications, which focus on data protection, algorithms, and machine learning.

You can follow him on twitter by the handle: Robonaudts.

Luciana Monteiro Krebs

Luciana Monteiro Krebs is a visiting researcher at Mintlab. She is a scholarship holder of the Project “Comparative matrix of qualitative research with digital technology users”. She also works on her PhD. Her publications are mainly in Portuguese.

You can follow her on twitter by the handle: lumk_

Oscar Alvarado Oscar Alvarado is a researcher at Mintlab. His research focuses on algorithmic experience and how to design user-centered technologies that contain relevant algorithms that could affect the user’s experience.
Elias Storms Elias Storms is a researcher at Mintlab. His research focuses on algorithmic accountability. He deploys qualitative and participatory methods to investigate and improve user experience and transparency of algorithms in the dissemination of news.


You can RSVP via meetup:

Data Subject Rights: fact finding

Thursday, Feb 21, 2019, 7:00 PM

No location yet.

1 Legal Hackers Attending

Data Subject Rights are a given in the data protection legislation (mainly Chapter III, but also part of Chapter VIII of the GDPR; rights under the Patients Rights legislation, etc.). Data controllers have to organise themselves so they can appropriately respond to a data subject’s request, they have to inform the data subjects of their rights (art…

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