Where, when ?
The event is scheduled for Tuesday 23 April 2019. You can join us as from 18h30. The keynote should start at about 19h00. In case of a lively interaction the event may take a few hours.
The law firm Time.Lex – a niche law firm that a.o. assembles experts on data protection – is so kind to host the event in their offices, which are at walking distance from Brussels’ central railway station.
The issue

Developers want ‘specs’. The DPO required privacy / data protection by design (PbD) like article 25 GDPR. The project manager only manages the project. The product / process manager has no clue how to translate “article 25 GDPR” to his product or process. Bloody hell, what a mess. And we are not even taking into account that parts of this project are outsourced.
Yes, implementing PbD is not easy. It is hardly defined, so getting there requires work, or more correct collaboration. If everybody says “not my job” you end up with a disaster, a Frankenstein’s monster at best. Thinking PbD from the beginning gets you off to a good start. But then there is the matter of making PbD tangible, specific, so the business and/or IT can document it, implement it, and control it. Not an easy feat.
PRiSE model
KULeuven’s Pierre Dewitte (@PiDewitte) has been working on that issue with colleagues. They have come up with the PRiSE meta model which might help bring the people in your organisation together around the notion of PbD.
Your approach?
Of course, this is also an opportunity to share your experiences and your approach on how to implement PbD.
You can RSVP via meetup:
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